Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Topological Materials Science"
The 10th Topology Interactive Meeting
53rdInvited talkNov. 30th, 2018Kyoto
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Topological-defect turbulence of liquid crystal: platform for exploring non-equilibrium universal scaling laws"

2018 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
52ndInvited talkSep. 11th, 2018Kyotanabe
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"The KPZ universality class: a glimpse of different physical problems from interface experiments"
APS/JPS Joint Symposium celebrating the 60th anniversary of Physical Review Letters

2018 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
51stTalkMar. 25th, 2018Noda
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Memory effect of circular KPZ interfaces: experiment and theory"

RIKEN symposium, iTHES/iTHEMS workshop 2017
Frontiers of non-equilibrium physics -from elementary particles and universe to condensed matter -
50thInvited talkDec. 7th, 2017Wako
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Non-equilibrium phase transitions in irreversible processes -from toy models to experiments"

YITP workshop
Thermal quantum field theory and its applications 2017
49thInvited talkAug. 28th, 2017Kyoto
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"KPZ universality class for growing interfaces: intersection of experiments and integrable models"

Mathematical Physics Summer School 2017, Turbulence and Percolation
48thInvited lectureAug. 25-27th, 2017Tokyo
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Introduction to physics of absorbing-state transitions"

Grant-in-Aid for Innovative Area "Synergy of Fluctuation & Structure", 4th Meeting
47thTalkJune 24th, 2017Tokyo
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Toward the KPZ stationary state"

2017 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
46thTalkMar. 18th, 2017Toyonaka
K. A. Takeuchi,
"1/f-type power spectrum in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class"

2016 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
45thTalkSep. 13th, 2016Kanazawa
X. Ding, H. Chaté, P. Cvitanović, E. Siminos, and K. A. Takeuchi,
"Estimating dimension of inertial manifold from unstable periodic orbits"

Recent developments on anomalous diffusion phenomena
44thInvited talkAug. 31st, 2016Yokohama
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Interface growth processes from an anomalous diffusion viewpoint"

Grant-in-Aid for Innovative Area "Synergy of Fluctuation & Structure", 3rd Meeting
43rdTalkJune 19th, 2016Fukuoka
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Exploring Geometry Dependence of KPZ Interfaces"

Meeting between Quantum Turbulence and Classical Turbulence
42ndInvited talkJan. 7th, 2016Kashiwa
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Liquid crystal as a bridge between quantum and classical turbulence
- from perspectives of non-equilibrium phase transitions"

4th Workshop for Young Condensed Matter Physicists in Kansai
Condensed matter physics at different scales -from soft matter to string-
41stInvited talkOct. 17th, 2015Toyonaka
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Universal laws for interface fluctuations arising at different scales"

Grant-in-Aid for Innovative Areas "Fluctuation & Structure"
2nd Public Symposium
40thInvited talkMay 1st, 2015Tokyo
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Universality in transitions to turbulence:
from classic fluids and liquid crystals to quantum fluids"

Statistical Physics Meeting 3
39thInvited talkMar. 10th, 2015Yokohama
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"KPZ universality class for fluctuations out of equilibrium
from interfaces to insulator resistance"