Official web site of Takeuchi Lab, Univ. Tokyo

K. A. Takeuchi's presentations in international conferences

Presentation years: 2005-9 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025- 

Gel Symposium 2024

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Squishy Granular Rigidification"
invited talk, Nov. 19, 2024, Bankoku Shinryokan, The Busena Terrace, Nago (Japan).
[#92, presentation ID: IL-52]


Recent developments in Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Partial yet definite emergence of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class in isotropic spin chains"
invited talk, Sep. 25, 2024, YITP, Kyoto (Japan).


PEBBLE BioFusion Camp 2024

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Onset and instability of bacterial turbulence: from experiments to theory and back"
invited talk, Aug. 8, 2024, Westlake University, Hangzhou (China).


PEBBLE BioFusion Camp 2024

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Active nematics"
invited lecture, Aug. 8, 2024, Westlake University, Hangzhou (China).


Conference of Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP2024)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Partial yet definite emergence of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class in isotropic spin chains"
invited talk, Aug. 5, 2024, IOPLY, Liyang (China).


Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Route to turbulence of bacterial suspensions under confinement"
invited talk, July 26, 2024, YITP, Kyoto (Japan).


Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 13 / YKIS2024

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Evaluating the instability & the inertial manifold dimension of space-time chaos from time series data"
talk, July 3, 2024, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto (Japan).


XXth Rencontres du Vietnam
Soft Matter, Fluids, Interfaces

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Squish Jamming"
invited talk, June 10, 2024, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science Education, Quy Nhon (Vietnam).


Les Houches School of Physics
Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation: new trends in theories and experiments

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Introduction to the KPZ equation and its experimental aspects"
invited lecture, Apr. 20-24, 2024, Les Houches School of Physics, Les Houches (France).

  (10621KB) (57KB)

♦ Lecture videos available online: [lecture 1],[lecture 2], [lecture 3], [lecture 4]
♦ Lecture materials (slides and reference list) can be downloaded from the pdf icons above.

APS March Meeting 2024

Taro P. Shimizu, Daiki Nishiguchi, Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Machine tells you how many variables are at least needed to describe space-time chaos you see"
talk, Mar. 6, 2024, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis (USA).
[#83, in Japanese, presentation ID: M28-10]

Statphys Kolkata XII

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"3D effect of topological defects in liquid crystal and living cells"
invited talk, Dec. 19, 2023, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata (India).


IEEE-NanoMed 2023

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Topological defects as "fingerprints" of cell populations and their 3D effect"
invited talk, Dec. 7, 2023, OIST, Kunigami (Japan).
[#81, presentation ID: T2-2-1]


East Asia Joint Seminars On Statistical Physics 2023 (EAJSSP 2023)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"3D effects of topological defects in passive and active liquid crystal"
invited talk, Oct. 12, 2023, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama (Japan).


Kickoff meeting for "Advanced core-to-core network for the physics of self-organizing active matter"

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Structure and dynamics of dense bacterial populations"
invited talk, Sep. 11, 2023, Rohm Theatre Kyoto, Kyoto (Japan).


9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (9IDMRCS)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Bacterial Glass"
invited talk, Aug. 13, 2023, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Japan).


♦ Invited talk in symposium "active matter"

Frontiers in nonequilibrium physics: Active matter, topology and beyond

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Structure and dynamics of dense bacterial populations"
invited talk, Aug. 1, 2023, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto (Japan).


Building a bridge between non-equilibrium statistical physics and biology

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Structure and dynamics of dense bacterial populations"
invited talk, July 6, 2023, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (UK).


Japan-France joint seminar "Physics of dense and active disordered materials"

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Bacterial Glass"
invited talk, Mar. 15, 2023, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto (Japan).


APS March Meeting 2023

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi, Hisay Lama, Masahiro J. Yamamoto, Yujiro Furuta, and Takuro Shimaya
"Emergence of bacterial glass: two-step glass transition in 2D bacterial suspension"
talk, Mar. 10, 2023, Caesars Forum Convention Center, Las Vegas (USA).
[#74, presentation ID: Y06-006]

The 12th Dynamics Days Asia Pacific (DDAP12)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Scaling and spontaneous symmetry restoring of topological defect dynamics in liquid crystal"
invited talk, Nov. 7, 2022, IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon (South Korea).


Stat&QuantPhys Autumn School 2022 (SQP2022)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class"
invited lecture, Sep. 27, 2022, online.


♦ YouTube video [link]

The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Bacterial glass"
invited talk, Aug. 22, 2022, online.
[#71, presentation ID: B19.01]


APS March Meeting 2022

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Initial condition dependence of KPZ universality: from soft matter experiments to quantum spin chains"
invited talk, Mar. 17, 2022, McCormick Place, Chicago (USA).
[#70, presentation ID: T45:2]

♦ invited talk in symposium T45 "Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality in Quantum Many Body Systems"

APS March Meeting 2022

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Takuro Shimaya
"3D-induced polar order & topological defects in growing bacterial populations"
talk, Mar. 16, 2022, McCormick Place, Chicago (USA).
[#69, presentation ID: M20:9]

2021 The Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"3D-induced polar order and topological defects in growing bacterial populations"
invited talk, Oct. 22, 2021, online (South Korea).
[#68, presentation ID: G13.04]

- invited talk in a symposium session "Pioneer: Seeking Novel Physics in Living Matter I"

Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physics Society 2021

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universal Kardar-Parisi-Zhang statistics explored in liquid crystal turbulence "
invited talk, June 23, 2021, online (Brazil).


SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21)

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Yohsuke T. Fukai
"Universality and Initial-Shape Dependence of Perturbation Dynamics in Spatiotemporal Chaos"
invited talk, May 23, 2021, online.


♦ talk in a minisymposium "MS31 Spatiotemporal Chaos in Lattices - Part I of II"

Quantized vortices and nonlinear waves

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Dynamic scaling of liquid crystal defects: microscopic and macroscopic views"
invited talk, Feb. 19, 2021, online.


2020 NCTS Complex Systems Workshop

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Microfluidics for dense bacterial populations unveils scale invariance in starving bacteria"
invited talk, Oct. 23, 2020, National Central University & online, Taoyuan City (Taiwan).


Presentation years: 2005-9 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025- 

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