K. A. Takeuchi's presentations in Japanese conferences
8th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Out-of-Equilibrium Universal Law in Fluctuating Growth Processes and an Experimental Test with Liquid Crystal"
invited talk, Nov. 22, 2014, Osaka Univ., Toyonaka.
[#38, in Japanese]
2014 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
""Quantum vortices" in liquid crystal and turbulence"
invited talk, Sep. 9, 2014, Chubu Univ., Kasugai.
[#37, in Japanese, presentation ID: 9pBA-8]
Grant-in-Aid for Innovative Areas "Fluctuation & Structure"
1st Study Meeting "Fundamental theory of out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics"
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universal laws of fluctuating interface growth"
requested lecture, Aug. 8, 2014, Keio Univ., Yokohama.
[#36, in Japanese]
ISSP Workshop
Novel quantum phenomena in Supermatter
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Turbulence of "quantum vortices" in liquid crystal shows the world of out-of-equilibrium critical phenomena"
invited talk, Apr. 17, 2014, ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, Kashiwa.
[#35, in Japanese]
2014 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Takuma Akimoto
"Weak ergodicity breaking in KPZ-class growing interfaces"
talk, Mar. 30, 2014, Tokai Univ., Hiratsuka.
[#34, in Japanese, presentation ID: 30aAR-7]
1st workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Innovative Areas "Fluctuation & Structure"
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universal laws out of equilibrium behind fluctuating interface growth"
requested talk, Dec. 25, 2013, KKR Hotel Atami, Atami.
[#33, in Japanese]
2013 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Hugues Chaté
"Collective Lyapunov modes"
talk, Mar. 27, 2013, Hiroshima Univ., Higashi-Hiroshima.
[#32, in Japanese, presentation ID: 27pXM-13]
18th Symposium on Simulation of Traffic Flow
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"ASEP as a model for growth processes: universal fluctuations and experimental evidence"
invited talk, Dec. 13, 2012, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya.
[#31, in Japanese]
17th Kubo Memorial Symposium "Structure in fluctuations"
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universal fluctuations in growing interfaces: emergence of statistical laws of random matrix theory"
invited talk, Oct. 6, 2012, GakushiKaikan, Tokyo.
[#30, in Japanese]
Collective dynamics formed by dynamical systems
- beyond the frameworks of conservative and dissipative systems -
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Effective dimension and extensivity of large dynamical systems - approach from Lyapunov analysis -"
invited talk, Sep. 28, 2012, RIMS, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto.
[#29, in Japanese]
2012 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Interface growth and random matrices"
invited talk, Sep. 21, 2012, Yokohama National Univ., Yokohama.
[#28, in Japanese, presentation ID: 21pAF-6]
2012 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Crossover from growing to stationary interfaces in KPZ-class universal fluctuations"
talk, Sep. 18, 2012, Yokohama National Univ., Yokohama.
[#27, in Japanese, presentation ID: 18pAE-5]
57th Condensed Matter Physics Summer School "Bussei Wakate" 2012
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Unexpected relation between growing interfaces and random matrices -Let's see universal laws out of equilibrium-"
invited talk, Aug. 8, 2012, Gifu Nagaragawa Onsen Hotelpark, Gifu.
[#26, in Japanese]
YITP Workshop 2012
Physics of Nonequilibrium Systems -Toward the Understanding of its Universal Aspects-
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Unusual time correlation of KPZ-class growing interfaces in turbulent liquid crystals"
poster & preview talk, Aug. 4, 2012, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto.
[#25, in Japanese]
Studies on dynamical systems and related areas
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Lyapunov vector analysis"
talk, July 9, 2012, RIMS, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto.
[#24, in Japanese]
2012 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Unusual time correlation and universality of KPZ-class growing interfaces in turbulent liquid crystals"
talk, Mar. 26, 2012, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Nishinomiya.
[#23, in Japanese, presentation ID: 26pAE-9]
2012 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Experimental investigations for universal laws out of equilibrium"
invited talk, Mar. 25, 2012, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Nishinomiya.
[#22, in Japanese, presentation ID: 25aBD-4]
♦ Talk in celebration of the Young Physicist Incentive Award, Division 11.
Kyushu University RIAM Workshop
Progress in Nonlinear wave studies -interaction of phenomena and mathematics-
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Unexpected relation between growing interfaces and random matrices -experimental evidence in turbulent liquid crystals-"
invited talk, Oct. 28, 2011, RIAM, Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka.
[#21, in Japanese]
2011 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi, Hugues Chaté, Francesco Ginelli, Antonio Politi, and Alessandro Torcini
"Extensivity and sub-extensivity of chaos in globally-coupled dynamical systems"
talk, Sep. 21, 2011, Toyama Univ., Toyama.
[#20, in Japanese, presentation ID: 21pGS-8]
2011 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Hugues Chaté
"Lyapunov vectors capture the effective dimension of dissipative systems (III): Relation to unstable periodic orbits"
talk, Sep. 21, 2011, Toyama Univ., Toyama.
[#19, in Japanese, presentation ID: 21pGS-7]
2011 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi, Hong-liu Yang, Francesco Ginelli, Günter Radons, and Hugues Chaté
"Lyapunov vectors capture the effective dimension of dissipative systems (II): Application to the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation"
talk, Sep. 21, 2011, Toyama Univ., Toyama.
[#18, in Japanese, presentation ID: 21pGS-6]
YITP Workshop 2010
Physics of Nonequilibrium Systems -Fluctuation and Collective Behavior-
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universality in fluctuations of growing interfaces - beyond scaling laws"
invited talk, Nov. 18, 2010, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto.
[#17, in Japanese]
Univ. of Tokyo, Global COE Workshop
Searching for out-of-equilibrium laws in material science and life science
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
"Universality in fluctuations and correlation of growing interfaces -experimental evidence in turbulent liquid crystals-"
requested talk, Mar. 30, 2010, Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo.
[#16, in Japanese]
2010 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano
"Growing interfaces of liquid crystal turbulence -universal scaling and fluctuations-"
talk, Mar. 23, 2010, Okayama Univ., Okayama.
[#15, in Japanese, presentation ID: 23aEA-1]