Fluctuation and Correlation in Stochastic Systems
36thInvited talkOct. 15th, 2014Tokyo (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Weak ergodicity breaking in KPZ-class interfaces"

YITP workshop
Interface fluctuations and KPZ universality class
- unifying mathematical, theoretical, and experimental approaches
35thTalkAug. 21st, 2014Kyoto (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"KPZ-class interfaces in turbulent liquid crystal: beyond a "mere" confirmation"

School on Non-linear Dynamics, Dynamical Transitions and Instabilities in Classical and Quantum Systems
34thInvited talkAug. 1st, 2014Trieste (Italy)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Experimental evidence of KPZ growing interfaces and beyond"

Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 08
33rdInvited talkJuly 22nd, 2014Chennai (India)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Covariant Lyapunov vectors capture the collective dynamics of large chaotic systems"

Advances in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
large deviations and long-range correlations, extreme value statistics, anomalous transport and long-range interactions
32ndTalkJune 10th, 2014Florence (Italy)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Turbulent liquid crystals unveil universal fluctuation properties of growing interfaces"

APS March Meeting 2014
31stInvited talkMar. 4th, 2014Denver (USA)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Exploring universal scaling laws far from equilibrium with turbulent liquid crystal"

12th Workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems
30thInvited talkNov. 23rd, 2013Tokyo (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Experimental evidence for universal fluctuation properties of growing interfaces"

East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics 2013
29thInvited talkOct. 23rd, 2013Kyoto (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Critical phenomena out of equilibrium probed by liquid-crystal turbulence"

Small Systems far from Equilibrium: Order, Correlations, and Fluctuations
28thInvited talkOct. 16th, 2013Dresden (Germany)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Powerful and geometry-dependent universality in growing interfaces"

satellite meeting of STATPHYS25 & YITP workshop
Mathematical Statistical Physics
27thPosterAug. 2nd, 2013Kyoto (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Emergence of random-matrix statistics as universal properties of growing interfaces"
Poster number: 34.

XXV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics
26thInvited talkJuly 26th, 2013Seoul (Korea)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Exploring universal out-of-equilibrium scaling laws with turbulent liquid crystal"
Talk in celebration of the Young Scientist Prize from IUPAP, C3 Commission.

The University of Tokyo - Korea University
The 2nd Joint Workshop on Bio-Soft Matter
25thTalkMar. 1st, 2013Seoul (Korea)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Exploring universal scaling laws out of equilibrium with turbulent liquid crystal"

BIRS Workshop
Integrable systems, growth processes and KPZ universality
24thInvited talkSep. 24th, 2012Banff (Canada)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Experimental realization of KPZ-class interfaces: what were done and need to be done?"

East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics 2012
23rdInvited talkMar. 18th, 2012Suzhou (China)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Universal Fluctuations of Growing Interfaces - beyond scaling laws -"

Phase Transition Dynamics in Soft Matter: Bridging Microscale and Mesoscale
22ndPosterFeb. 21st, 2012Kyoto (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Liquid-crystal turbulence opens up experimental investigations on absorbing phase transitions"
Poster number: B20.

International Symposium on Complex Systems 2011
- Perspectives on the legacy of Torahiko Terada -
21stPosterDec. 2nd, 2011Tokyo (Japan)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Growing interfaces uncover universal fluctuations behind scale invariance"
Poster number: B37.

Dynamics Days Europe 2011
20thTalkSep. 13th, 2011Oldenburg (Germany)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Extensivity and sub-extensivity of chaos in globally-coupled systems"

Engineering of Chemical Complexity
19thTalkJuly 6th, 2011Berlin (Germany)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Geometry-dependent universal fluctuations of growing interfaces:
evidence in turbulent liquid crystals"

Chaos, Complexity and Transport (CCT11)
18thPosterMay 25th, 2011Marseille (France)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi, Hugues Chaté, Francesco Ginelli, Antonio Politi, and Alessandro Torcini,
"Extensive and Sub-Extensive Chaos in Systems with Long-Range Interactions"

Journées de Physique Statistique 2011
17thTalkJan. 27th, 2011Paris (France)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Geometry-dependent universal fluctuations for growing interfaces:
first experimental evidence" (in French)

MSRI Workshop
Random Matrix Theory and its Applications II
16thInvited talkDec. 7th, 2010Berkeley (USA)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Tracy-Widom distributions in experiment:
evidence in growing interfaces of liquid crystal turbulence"

XXIV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics
15thTalkJuly 22nd, 2010Cairns (Australia)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Universal fluctuations of growing interfaces: evidence in turbulent liquid crystals"

StatPhysHK   Complexity, Computation, Information
Satellite Meeting of The XXIV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics
14thPoster, Short talkJuly 13th, 2010Hong Kong (China)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Geometry-dependent universality in growing interfaces
- Evidence in liquid-crystal turbulence -"

East Asian PostGraduate Workshop on Soft Matter
13thInvited talkApr. 28th, 2010Hong Kong (China)
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Masaki Sano,
"Dynamics of Turbulent Interfaces and Universality
in the Electroconvection of Liquid Crystals"