引用数データ: ResearcherID, Google scholar
Takuro Shimaya and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Lane formation and critical coarsening in a toy model of bacterial competition"
arXiv:1804.09895 pdf, web

Masahiro Takahashi, Michikazu Kobayashi, and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Universal Critical Behavior at a Phase Transition to Quantum Turbulence"
arXiv:1609.01561 pdf, web

Taro P. Shimizu and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Measuring Lyapunov exponents of large chaotic systems with global coupling by time series analysis"
27tharXiv:1810.01146Chaos (in press)pdf, web

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"An appetizer to modern developments on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class"
26tharXiv:1708.06060Physica A 504, 77-105 (2018)pdf, web

Yasufumi Ito and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"When fast and slow interfaces grow together:
connection to the half-space problem of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class"
25tharXiv:1802.10284Phys. Rev. E 97, 040103(R) (2018)pdf, web

Yohsuke T. Fukai and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Interfaces with Inward Growth"
24tharXiv:1611.00650Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 030602 (2017)pdf, web

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"1/f α power spectrum in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class"
23rdarXiv:1612.00152J. Phys. A 50, 264006 (2017)web, (pdf)
J. Phys. A Special Issue "Emerging Talents" 招待論文です。 [web]

Jacopo De Nardis, Pierre Le Doussal, and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"Memory and Universality in Interface Growth"
22ndarXiv:1611.04756Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 125701 (2017)pdf, web

Kazumasa A. Takeuchi and Takuma Akimoto,
"Characteristic Sign Renewals of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Fluctuations"
21starXiv:1509.03082J. Stat. Phys. 164, 1167-1182 (2016)web, (pdf)

X. Ding, H. Chaté, P. Cvitanović, E. Siminos, and K. A. Takeuchi,
"Estimating the Dimension of an Inertial Manifold from Unstable Periodic Orbits"
20tharXiv:1604.01859Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 024101 (2016)pdf, web

Timothy Halpin-Healy and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi,
"A KPZ Cocktail- Shaken, not stirred... Toasting 30 years of kinetically roughened surfaces"
19tharXiv:1505.01910J. Stat. Phys. 160, 794-814 (2015) web, (pdf)